Bunscoil McAuley Rice -   School Improvement Plan Numeracy


Summary of Main Strengths as identified in School Self Evaluation, February 2015

  • Early intervention for Learning Support in Numeracy.
  • Consistency of planning amongst staff
  • Variety of organisational and teaching styles used
  • Variety of Assessment tools used
  • Excellent Planet Maths Programme in use.
  • Good variety of numeracy resources for Infant and First Classes
  • 68% of students assessed have a Sten of 6 or greater.
  • Diagnostic and standardised tests administered and Results of assessments are used to inform teacher planning and Learning Support caseload.

Summary of Main areas requiring improvement with regard to Literacy:

  • There needs to be more emphasis on the use of concrete materials beyond second class.
  • Involving students in the setting of personal targets.
  • Problem solving was highlighted as the area in need of most attention
  • There should be a central Resource Room with hands on materials for the teaching of Numeracy.
  • Termly Maths Trails should be held for all classes to emphasise the use of numeracy in the student’s environment.
  • Team teaching in the area of Maths should be developed.
  • A greater emphasis is required when learning tables.
  • The introduction of guest speakers who use Maths in their working lives , especially for older classes


School Improvement Plan was published on 8th June,2015.

School Improvement Plan 2015-2018 - Numeracy



Improvement Target

Required Actions

Planning Activities



Carried out by …

Success Criteria


Related to pupils achievement

Teaching & Learning that will help achieve the Target



When will the activity be completed?







Other staff











Action Plan




Problem Solving

Strategies for Problem Solving:





Emphasis placed on Problem Solving techniques at each class level.

Implement and monitor

June 2015




In class

Improved Problem Solving Results in Sigma Test in May,2016-2018


Development of Maths Awareness in the students’ environment


The use of Maths Trails to create an awareness of the possible use of Maths in the immediate environment.

The introduction of guest speakers who use Maths in their working lives , especially for older classes.

Identify opportunities




Increased level of Maths awareness across all class levels

Research Possibilities

June 2015




Create Action Plan





Implement and monitor












Learning of Tables




Provision of Numeracy Resources

Emphasis on the learning of tables.


Provision of adequate resources for Numeracy in a central resource room.




Create Plan of Action

June 2015



Increased scores in in class Maths Tables tests

Implement at all class levels




Adequately stocked resource room for Numeracy

Monitor and evaluate











Bunscoil McAuley Rice - School Self Evaluation Report for Numeracy

Report issue date: 26th February,2015



School Self-Evaluation Report


1. Introduction


1.1 The Focus of the Evaluation

A school self-evaluation of teaching and learning in Bunscoil McAuley Rice,Callan,Co. Kilkenny was undertaken during the period January,2014 to June,2015. During the evaluation, teaching and learning in the following curriculum area was evaluated:


  • Numeracy


This is a report on the findings of the evaluation.


1.2 School Context


Bunscoil McAuley Rice is a sixteen-teacher Catholic Primary school, which caters for boys and girls from junior infants to sixth class. The school is an amalgamation of the two original primary schools in Callan. We moved into our new school building in April,2014. The school has 16 classrooms,4 Special Education Rooms,a Library,a central Resource Room and a PE Hall.The current enrolment in the school is 363 students.

The student population represents a cross section of society. The school is situated in a rural town with a population of 1,300 but also serves a parish population of a further 1,700.


2. The Findings-Numeracy:


During the School Self Evaluation process, the quality of teaching and learning in the area of Numeracy was examined. The school used available assessment data from standardised test scores together with questionnaires from parents, students and teachers to gather relevant information and opinion.


Standardised Test Scores:


The Sigma T test scores from May,2014 were analysed and the following information was gathered from the age based Sten scores:


  • 5% of students have a Sten of 1-3.(Normal Distribution:15.9%)
  • 26% of students have a Sten of 4-5.(Normal Distribution:34.2%)
  • 68% of students have a Sten of 6 or more.(Normal Distribution:50%)
  • 33% of students have a Sten of 8-10.(Normal Distribution:15.9%)

This information reflects positively on the teaching and learning approaches in the school at present.

Parents’ Questionnaire:


The Parents’ Questionnaire was carried out as an anonymous questionnaire with 10 questions. Parents also had an opportunity to highlight any areas of concern that they might have in the area of Numeracy.

There was a strong response from parents and the following information was gathered:

  • 83% of parents agreed that their children like Maths.
  • 78% of parents agreed that their children are doing well at Maths.
  • 74% of parents agreed that they know their child’s strengths/weaknesses in Maths.
  • 84% of parents agreed that they their child learns at the right level of difficulty in Maths
  • 22% of parents stated that their child regularly requires assistance with homework in Maths
  • 50% of parents agreed that they get good information from the school about how their child is doing in Maths
  • 50% of parents highlighted word problems as an area of difficulty in Maths.

Students’ Questionnaire:


  • 81% of students like Maths.
  • 72% of students consider themselves good at Maths.
  • 77% of students discuss Maths ideas in class.
  • 73% of students stated that they use Maths in real life outside of school.
  • 58% of students would like to work with Maths when older.
  • 75% of students stated that they mostly work individually during Maths class.

Teachers’ Questionnaire:


Teachers found that our strengths in the area of Numeracy are:

  • good communication, consistency of approach with regard to planning and expectations,the use of a variety of organisational styles.

Areas of concern were highlighted as follows:

  • The use of concrete materials beyond second class.
  • The use of team teaching for Learning Support.
  • Involving students in the setting of personal targets.
  • Problem solving was highlighted as the area in need of most attention.

Effectiveness in the teaching of Numeracy:

Teachers found that we teach numeracy in a very comprehensive manner. It is well structured and the policy of early intervention from Learning Support and Resource teachers strengthens our numeracy programme.

Suggestions were made in the following areas:

  • There should be a central Resource Room with hands on materials for the teaching of Numeracy.
  • Termly Maths Trails should be held for all classes to emphasise the use of numeracy in the student’s environment.
  • Team teaching in the area of Maths should be developed.
  • A greater emphasis is required when learning tables.
  • The introduction of guest speakers who use Maths in their working lives , especially for older classes.


3. Progress made on previously-identified improvement targets


  • The introduction of the Planet Maths series has been seen as a positive step this year.There has been a significant increase in the number of students achieving a Sten of 6-10 in recent assessments.



4. Summary of school self-evaluation findings


4.1 Our school has strengths in the following areas:

  • Overall numeracy levels are high.
  • Early Intervention for children with learning difficulties.
  • Planning , teaching preparation and methodologies.
  • Continuous Assessment

4.2 The following areas are prioritised for improvement:

  • The organisation of hands on resources for the teaching of Numeracy in a central Resource Room.
  • The use of Maths Trails to create an awareness of the possible use of Maths in the immediate environment.
  • A greater use of group work when teaching numeracy.
  • An increased emphasis on the learning of tables.
  • The use of team teaching in the area of Maths.
  • We aim to increase the number of students in the 7-10 Sten bracket by 2% by 2017.